Monthly Archives: August 2013

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The devil is in sorting and filtering

Journalists never want to be wrong. Few would admit to having missed the story and even fewer of us would accept publicly that we were wrong on a story. I fall in the latter category.

Nothing is more humiliating to a scribe than to wake up the following morning to learn that you got the story wrong. It is worse when the other media houses got it right and you are the only reporter who missed it. » Read more

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Kenya’s internet users reach 16.2 million

Internet usage in Kenya is rising fast, accelerated by international mobile bandwidth growth. The number of Internet users in Kenya grew by 11.6  percent growth from the end of September to the end of December , 2012, from 14.5 million 16.2 million users. » Read more

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East African Community free trade agreement coincides with US funding boost

The East African Community (EAC) is an intergovernmental organization comprising five countries; Tanzania, Rwanda Burundi, Kenya, and Uganda.  The organization was originally founded in 1967, by three members; Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.  It collapsed in 1977, and was officially revived on 7 July 2000. The Republic of Rwanda and the Republic of Burundi acceded to the EAC Treaty in 2007 to complete the EAC family. » Read more

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Optimizing a crash course in data journalism


Internews in Kenya’s third week-long data journalism workshop, which wrapped up on  August 24, confirmed our growing suspicion that in a week, aspiring data journalists can master the fundamentals of data journalism, but it isn’t easy.  From finding and scraping data to cleaning, analyzing and visualizing data, it’s a crash course in both the theory and practice of applied data science.  A carefully planned and balanced training program is designed to whet journalists’ appetite for more and open up access to the data journalism community. » Read more

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Welcome to Internews in Kenya’s Data Journalism portal

internews52132f4971f98By Eva Constantaras.

As the last Kenyan elections proved, breaking news is now often the domain of social media, not traditional media.  Kenya’s increasingly wired society is demanding faster, better and more interactive information exchange.

But there is growing need and demand for in-depth content and analysis in the midst of the deluge of data and information.  Increasingly, journalists are seeing a solution to the media industry crisis in data journalism. » Read more

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