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Democracy and governance summaries
Category : Constitutional Review
New Constitution is our Ticket out of Self-Ignorance Sunday Nation, Pg 21
Sunday, 18 Sep 2011

Makau Mutua admits that public participation is a new norm in governance. The running of public affairs has seized being a private matter and transparency taken a clear line. The Executive and legislature should follow in the footsteps of the judiciary to make the constitution a worthwhile engage

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Proposed Amendments on Elections Date Daily Nation, Pg 25
Friday, 16 Sep 2011

CIC has published a statement in which they term as unfortunate the plan by cabinet to alter the elections date. CIC is emphatic that the justification is unresonable while the bounraries issue can still be dealt with within the stipulated time limit. This amendment should be rejected by all Keny

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Why Getting Finance Wrong will Kill Devolution The Standard, Pg 15
Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011

Musalia Mudavadi affirms that devolution is the most transformative pillar of the constitution as it underpins and permeates every chapter of the constitution. This therefore means that altering any aspect of it will dillute the benefits entitled to Kenyans. The democratic gains so far made will

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Report Calls for Three-Tier County Management The Standard, Pg 21
Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011

The Task Force on  Devolved Government has recommended the establishment of three units at the county level for easier management. It proposes the creation of sub-counties, ward and village units to serve as entities of administration, service delivery and citizen participation. An oversight

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Kenya Episcopal Publication Daily Nation, Pg 25
Thursday, 15 Sep 2011

The Kenya Episcopal conference has published a statement in which they oppose the proposed conference on maternal deaths and reproductive health in Kenya in the context of the new constitution. They affirm that the bible upholds the sanctity of life and that no one should contravene life as the m

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Management of Public Finance at National and County Government Level Sunday Nation, Pg 30 & 31
Sunday, 11 Sep 2011

The Ministry of Finance has published a statement in which it clarifies its position on the county management issue. The publication deals with issues like the definition of revenue, the engagement with IMF, issues revolving on loans, cooperation between the national and county governments among

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Mutula Roots for Complete Devolution The Standard, Pg 12
Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011

Justice minister Mutula Kailonzo has said the spirit of the constitution will be lost unless the government ensures full implementation of devolution. He said the greatest gains Kenyans can get from the new laws are the benefits of the devolved government.

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Mudavadi Warns against Undermining Devolution The People, Pg 13
Monday, 12 Sep 2011

Local government minister Musalia Mudavadi has said the devolution structure should be implemented as stipulated in the constitution. He said any attempts to resist or water down the provisions of devolution will be a major blow to governance and Kenyans should not allow this to happen..

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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