Monday, 10 March 2025, 23:17 PM




Voices in Health

The Voices in Health program was launched in Kenya in 2003; a time when around 700 people were dying as a result of HIV complications every day. Since then, hundreds of journalists have been trained to report responsibly about HIV and Aids issues, with a particular focus on making the science accessible while dispelling myths and reducing stigma.

Voices in Health incorporates carefully designed strands of activity in all media - radio, TV, print, online, photo and multi-media journalism and e-learning. Internews works to build sustainable skills that contribute to the overall viability of media while simultaneously enriching, informing and diversifying the information environment around HIV and Aids and other health issues.

Story Impact

When K24 journalist Violet Otindo heard that a condom shortage in Isiolo, Eastern Province, led to men washing and re-using condoms, she took up an Internews travel grant to go investigate. Residents confirmed the practice. Her story was picked up by local and international media houses. Importantly, government and development agencies took action and sent emergency condom supplies to the area.

Journalist feedback
"What I am doing is helping other people. A story I did on a girl who was circumcised in preparation for an arranged marriage really touched me. Recently some people called me to enquire about her wellbeing. They wanted to pay for her school fees and get her back to school. I would like to do a follow up story on her after she is back in school, and now I can!"
journalist Venter Mongera

"I am confident enough to call myself a journalist now"
camera man Chris Omulando.

"This is media relief for Lodwar. We have drought relief, but our writing also has to be nourished."
Peter Warutumo after journalism workshop in Lodwar

Human Rights

Internews believes all communities have the right to information and freedom of expression. To support this conviction, members of the gay community in Kenya are being trained to tell their own stories: about rights violations, access to health care and life in a society which stigmatizes homosexuality. The hope is that more effective citizen storytelling would lead to more unbiased coverage in the mainstream media.

This project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development.


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Letter to Partners 2011: UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé


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