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Democracy and governance summaries
Category : Constitutional Review
Ignorance about the New Governance Structure is Bound to Lead to Anarchy Daily Nation, Pg 13
Wednesday, 19 Oct 2011

Pete Ondeng says devolution is the most significant part of the constitution. The good intentions may be watered down by lack of knowledge on how it will work. The reasons put forth for this decentralised system of government are yet to sink to people. Also, lack of proper preparations by politic

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Law Team Fights to Retain Staff Amid Row on Posts Daily Nation, Pg 10
Wednesday, 19 Oct 2011

CIC has moved to quell a staff crisis after some employees sought to leave the commission. The commissioners met to deliberate on how they would convince acting chief executive Simon Rotich and other key staff to stay. They sought to leave because the commission advertised their posts among other

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What Constitution Says about Next Elections The Standard, Pg 15
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011

Wambui Kimathi writes that parliament cannot be dissolved before approving the next budget. Keeping in mind the the finance secretary must submit to parliament estimates of the budget two months before reading the budget and unless this process is fast-tracked it is unrealistic to hold elections

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Let Only the Honest Interpret Laws Business Daily, Pg 10
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011

Macharia Munene retorts that it is unfortunate that intellectuals are not being honest in the interpretation of the constitution. This makes the process harder especially the implementation because other lay Kenyans will find it harder to understand the document. Lawyers are not helping either an

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Treasury Defends Move to Draft Bills Daily Nation, Pg 11
Thursday, 20 Oct 2011

Treasury has denied that it contravened the constitution by drafting financial Bills tabled in parlimanent by the Finance minister. In a sworn affidavit, Finance Permanent Secretary Joseph Kinyua invoked Article 261 of the constitution which mandates the Attorney General to prepare Bills for enac

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Cabinet Debates Amendment Bill The Standard, Pg 22
Friday, 21 Oct 2011

The cabinet has proposed amendments to legislation on when the 80 new constituencies come into effect. According to the amendments, the names and details of the proposed electoral units will not come into effect after the dissolution of parliament but will be tied to the next general elections. A

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Devolution Lessons from the French Sunday Standard, Pg 26
Sunday, 16 Oct 2011

The constitution envisages that a significant amount of national revenue will be transferred to the 47 counties but the question as to how it will relate with the central government is still uncertain. Also, what contributes as revenue to the counties and who should play oversignt of the finances

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Kibaki to Appoint County Coordinators in Reshuffle The People, Pg 40
Monday, 17 Oct 2011

President Kibaki is set to appoint County coordinators in a reshuffle of the provincial administration. The coordinators will be helpful when the country goes into elections next year. This paves way for the County government and they coordinators will be the link between the devolved govern

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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