Author Archives: Dorothy Otieno

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Data Journalism Workshop, May 26 – 30

Objectives: By the end of workshop participants should be able to:

  1. Appreciate data journalism
  2. Mine, scrape and analyze data on health
  3. Use simple tools to visualize data
  4. Write a data driven story proposal
  5. Package data into simple, compelling and accessible stories.


Day One:                 Monday 26

08:30 – 09:30            Introduction/Expectations/Survey – Dorothy/Lydia

09:30 – 11:00            Journalism in the age of data – Dorothy

11:00 – 11:30           Tea break

11:30 – 01:00            Finding stories in data – Eva

01:00 02:00           Lunch

02:00 – 03:30            Interviewing your data – Dorothy

03:30 – 03:45           Tea break

03:45 – 05:15            Multimedia storytelling – Dol


Day Two                    Tuesday 27

09:00 – 10:00            Finding data for stories – Eva

10:00 – 11:30            Finding data on the web – Eva

11:30 – 12:00           Tea break

12:00 – 01:00            Cleaning your data – Aggrey

01:30 – 02:30           Lunch

02:00 – 04:00            Converting data into friendly formats – Eva/ Agnes

04:00 – 04:15           Tea break

04:15 – 05:15            Introduction to the Data Dredger – Dorothy


Day Three                 Wednesday 28

09:00 – 10:30            Math and statistics for journalists  – Dorothy

10:30 – 10:45           Tea break

10:45 – 12:15            Finding interrelationships in data – Dorothy /Aggrey

12:15 – 01:15            How data informs my storytelling – Paul Wafula, The Standard

01:15 – 02:15           Lunch

02:15 – 03:45            Creating compelling visuals – Agnes

03:45 – 04:00           Tea break

04:00 – 05:30            Data visualization for journalism – Agnes

(Visualisation assignment)


Day Four:                 Thursday 29

09:00 – 10:00            Review assignment – Agnes/Eva

10:00 – 11:30            Creating maps with maps engine – Eva

11:30 12:00           Tea break

12: 00 – 01:30           Long–form, multimedia storytelling (part one) – Dorothy /Eva

(Exercise& discussion)

01:30 – 02:30           Lunch

02:30 – 04:00            Interpreting quantitative research results:  distinguishing good

research from bad –Suleiman Asman, Innovation for Poverty Actions


04:00 – 04:15           Tea break

04:15 – 05:00            Long–form, multimedia storytelling (part two) – Eva/ Dorothy


Day Five:                  Friday 30

09:00 – 10:30            Recap – All trainers

10:30 – 11:00           Tea break

11:00 – 01:30            Story Mapping – All trainers

01:30 – 02:30           Lunch

02:30 – 05:00            Data Expedition – Eva/Dorothy/Agnes

05:00 – 5:15              Evaluation


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Online News Association launches Kenya’s digital future

Internews logo 1                ONA

Failed healthcare promises, the human cost of abortion limitations and the need for access to contraceptive to prevent unsafe abortions were some of the big stories in the Nation, the Standard and the Star in November.
The journalists who told these stories, delivering the biggest week in Data Journalism in Kenya, will share their experiences mining data, conceiving and delivering the stories in accessible and visualized formats.. The data journalists will share their hopes for an open data movement in Kenya that will inform policy decisions and improve healthcare access for Kenyans.
The five storytellers, who are data journalism fellows at Internews, will display their digital media work at the inaugural event of the Online News Association Nairobi Group. The Online News Association (ONA) helps shape the future of journalism by organizing networking events, training opportunities and public discussions for local journalism community. ONA members are thought leaders, blazing a trail for digital journalism.
ONA Nairobi, initiated by Internews in Kenya, will be a space for resource sharing, collaboration and experimentation. It will showcase the talents of local media producers and innovators and support the needs of the changing journalism environment.
Internews in Kenya and ONA invite you to the inauguration of the ONA Nairobi Group, where the Internews in Kenya Data Fellowship stories will be presented.
The event will take place on Wednesday November 11 at 3 pm at the MRC.
Please join us for a lively sharing and discussion on the place of data and data journalism in improving access to health for Kenyans. We welcome journalists, developers and other open data activists committed to data and digital journalism.

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Data journalism fellows fault media coverage of national HIV report

There is no greater joy for a mentor than seeing his or her mentees blossom and develop confidence. I was pleasantly surprised when the five Internews data journalism fellows who only a few weeks ago were reluctant to analyze and find stories in data volunteered  do  a post mortem on the coverage of the preliminary report of the second Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS 2012), a day after it was released.

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