Wednesday, 17 Sep 2014

Open Data for Accountability
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The Kenya Accountable Devolution Program team is holding an interactive open data presentation by Internews who will share their experiences from training and mentoring journalists to turn data on the Kenya Open Data site into relevant and informative media stories.

The stories have helped citizens to advocate for better policies/services and informed policy-makers to improve planning, budgeting, and implementation.

Open data is now enabling journalists to transform their storytelling into a powerful tool for transparency, accountability and constructive engagement with both citizens and government.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 12:30-2:00PM at the Delta Center, Room 1165 at the World Bank building in Nairobi, Kenya.

Presentation by: Dorothy Otieno, Internews
Introduction to the Kenya Open Data Initiative by: Linet Kwamboka, ICT Authority
Moderator: Philip Jespersen, Senior Social Development Specialist, GURDR

Infographic of data journalism

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