Friday, 14 Jun 2013
The 21st Century newsroom
The growing importance of data journalism has created new career opportunities in the newsroom. Around the globe journalists now work closely with developers, data miners and data visualizers to produce outstanding work of journalism.
Internews in Kenya is seeking an experienced data researcher to join its team of journalists, trainers and developers to develop innovative ways storytelling. For a detailed job description visit Here.
Media Matters Blog - latest posts
How mentoring boosted my career in journalism
My long walk with the media started at Metro FM after I graduated from Daystar University in the early part of this century. I was the love doctor on the Metro love zone. But despite building a reasonable following and playing great love ballads which I enjoyed tremendously, there was no hiding that the show ... Read more
Journalists’ right to information now guaranteed
As the media and the country await legislation on the right to information, a judge in a recent case has given direction as to who can access any information held by the State. High Court Judge Mumbi Ngugi ruled in a case in which Nairobi Law Monthly Limited, publisher of the Nairobi Law Monthly, had ... Read more
Media coverage of ruling on presidential poll petition timid
After the hotly contested General Election nothing captured the collective imagination of Kenyans like the presidential election petition. Within hours of the start of the Supreme Court hearings legal jargon like Amicus curiae (friend of the court) and others entered the Kenyan lexicon. But just as fast after the initial ruling, the interest quickly dissipated ... Read more
The future is bright for health journalism
One of the first lessons I learnt as a young journalist is that readers place a premium on stories that have a direct impact on their lives. I believe health stories are at the top of the ladder in that regard. Health determines the ability of individuals to enjoy life and realise their hopes as ... Read more
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