Tuesday, 04 Jun 2013

From Information to Action
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Local media is an under-utilized tool in public health strategies. Establishing, supporting, and enhancing local information platforms can contribute significantly to health-seeking behavior and community mobilization around health issues – these are the findings from an Internews study, titled “Media and Global Health. From Information to Action”.  

The study describes Internews communication strategy on global health: "to ensure free, easy access to quality health information so that individuals, communities, and governments can make informed decisions to protect, improve, and save lives."

The fundamentals of Internews’ work on health journalism are:

  • Engage editors and media managers.
  • Establish strong relationships with Ministries of Health.
  • Build connections with journalists who cover health.
  • Address journalists by skill levels and media.
  • Take a participatory approach to training.
  • Limit the number of trainees in workshops.
  • Create structured incentive programs.
  • Provide media relations training for health agencies.
  • Build and support Media Resource Centers, which feature studios and equipment, internet, contacts database, editorial support.
  • Integrate digital tools, social media, online and offline platforms.
  • Offer long-term mentoring."

More information can be seen in a post by the online publication: Media Development   



Web link to Media and Global Health: From Information to Action  

Click here to read this 12-page document in PDF format.

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From the Data Journalism Blog

Google Fusion Tables: Adding a chart to map information window

Once data has been cleaned and uploaded to Google Fusion Tables, it is important that readers comprehend both the map and the data displayed about each geographical region when selected. A chart is one of the ways used to represent this region-by-region data for the readers. Google Charts make it Read more

Exploring the Use of Google Fusion Tables

Lots of media houses today take advantage of the power of Google in Fusing Tables to create interactive maps of data. It helps web viewers gain insight into information available on the map by fusing a geographical border file and data organized by those same geographical units. Google Fusion Tables Read more

Visualizing data using DataWrapper

DataWrapper is an online tool that helps anyone to create embeddable charts in minutes.  The main advantages of using data wrapper are: a)      It is easy to use. It saves on time needed to create an embeddable chart. b)      User has full control. It is free software. You can choose Read more

Kenya leads decline in Female Genital Mutilation, but victims are younger, mutilation more extreme

Learn About Tableau A  new report from UNICEF identifies Kenya among the top two countries, along with Central African Republic, in reducing the prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).   While Kenya is a leader, the data also reveals that remaining victims are younger, more severely brutalized and isolated to a Read more

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