Monday, 11 Feb 2013

IEBC assures the media of free and fair elections
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By Jacque Ooko, Internews in Kenya

Ahead of Kenya’s landmark General Election, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission took journalists through a simulation of how results will be transmitted and tallied on polling day.

 “This is the first time I am covering elections and the workshop really enlightened and prepared me for the task ahead,” says David Choge, a journalist with KASS Weekly newspaper. The nine journalists from different media were attending a workshop on election day voting results transmission and analysis organized by Internews in Kenya.

With candidates vying for six different elective positions, Kenyans are seeking reassurance that the IEBC is prepared for the massive exercise. In the 2007 General Election the conduct of IEBC’s predecessor, the Electoral Commission of Kenya, was partly blamed for post election violence.

Silas Njeru, an information technology specialist from the commission, engaged the journalists on electoral technology and elections reporting.

For more on what he termed as a foolproof process, listen below.



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From the Data Journalism Blog

Data Journalism Workshop, May 26 – 30

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