Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 4:14 AM




Health summaries
Category : Other
Patients Seek Treatment Abroad as Healthcare System Ails The Standard, Pg. 10
Saturday, 19 Mar 2011

Kenyans are flying abroad for specialized treatment in what is now being referred to as medical tourism. And according to the Medical Services minister Anyang Nyong’o saving money on what normally are very costly procedures and the time it takes to be treated are some of the factors that ha

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Mobile Clinic Comes to the Rescue of Residents The Standard, Pg. 18
Friday, 18 Mar 2011

The Kenya Hope Foundation, Kenya Red Cross society and the Italian rotary organize a medical camp where patients in Isiolo, Samburu and Meru flock the state-of-the-art mobile health facility to seek remedy for various ailments.

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Kenya Health System Needs Urgent Reforms Business Daily, Pg. 13
Wednesday, 16 Mar 2011

George Wachira opines that the population has doubled over the last three decades and incremental healthcare capacity has neither matched this growth nor sufficiently matched technological sophistication in medical care, with medical manpower attrition in public hospitals being high due to low mo

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Budget Inadequate to Cover Healthcare Needs of Kenyans Business Daily, Pg. 28
Wednesday, 16 Mar 2011

Pauline Amollo, a policy analyst and consultant explains that the budgetary allocations becomes a key indicator of strides that government is making towards improving the health sector, and the fact that Kenya is yet to achieve even half (as it stands at 6.5%) of the expected 15% is a clear indic

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Africa Gets Chance to Lobby for More Health Funds The East African, Pg. 39
Monday, 14 Mar 2011

The World Health Organization (WHO) says 35 million people die from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) globally and the number is expected to hit 41 million by 2015, a 17 per cent rise. And as world leaders meet to chart out new strategies on how to tackle the health challenge, it will be a good fo

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Beware, Wrong use of Antibiotics May Cause Early Death The People, Pg. 3
Saturday, 12 Mar 2011

The national working group for the Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership –Kenya (GARP-KENYA) says that the rampant overuse, misuse, self medication, wrong prescription and over-the counter sales of antibiotics as the major contributors to resistance in Kenya today and raises concerns tha

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Health Services Suffer as Locals Fail to Take up Nursing Jobs Kenya Today, Pg. 5
Monday, 07 Mar 2011

Kwale Public Health Nurse Galole Dima says child survival and development services in the district are facing challenges from the shortage of nurses in local health facilities, stating that although 15 slots were recently advertised no nurse turned up for the interviews .

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Self-Medication Rises as Prescription Drugs Bought over Counter Saturday Nation, Pg. 38
Saturday, 05 Mar 2011

A study commissioned by Synovate to establish the incidence of abuse of prescription type drugs reveals that 73% of pharmacies which sold the medicine did not ask for a prescription. This is despite the fact that the Pharmacy and Poisons Board has circulated a list of drugs that should not be sol

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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