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Democracy and governance summaries
Category : ICC
Did Ocampo Come Off the Worse for Wear or Does he Have Something Up His Sleeve? Saturday Nation, Pg 10 & 11
Saturday, 10 Sep 2011

There is an interview on the ICC confirmation hearings in which lawyers Kipchumba Murkomen and JM Waiganjo answer questions on the ICC confirmation hearing proceedings. Murkomen is of the view that Ocampo does not have a case and the charges against the three suspects will not be confirmed while

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Hackers Steal ICC Witness Emails Weekend Star, Pg 1 & 8
Saturday, 10 Sep 2011

Internet hackers have hacked into the email of ICC witnesses and accessed their communication details. Two witnesses under protection abroad have confirmed that their information has leaked and circulated hence putting them at risk. The hackers also gained access into the email communicaions of t

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Muthaura Seeks to Add New Evidence to ICC The Star, Pg 5
Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011

Francis Muthaura has written to the ICC seeking to amend his earlier list to evidence as he claims he was unable to upload them all earlier. He said through his lawyer that he had experienced persistent technical problems and this led to failure to upload the accompaning text to file necessary to

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We are Victims of Falsehoods, Says Ruto The Standard, Pg 20
Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011

William Ruto has expressed optimism that the truth shall prevail in the case against him at the ICC. He said those who peddled lies about his alleged role in the violence did so for monetary gains. Meanwhile, a group of human rights organizations calling themselves the ICC coalition have started

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Let Us not Forget the Election Violence Victims; They Too Deserve to Get Justice Daily Nation, Pg 13
Monday, 12 Sep 2011

Priscilla Nyokabi Kanyua affirms that victims enjoy rights that have never before been incorporated in the mandate of an international court. The Rome Statute affirms that they can give views and concerns about the process and crimes charged to the chambers. It is important that the facts they pr

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Lawyer Seeks Access to Confidential Evidence The Standard, Pg 9
Monday, 12 Sep 2011

Lawyer Morris Anyah representing 233 PEV victims now wants the ICC to allow him access to confidential material filed by suspects and the prosecution. Anyah said he is prepared to be bound by any orders or conditions for the receipt of the confidential materials. He added that this information wi

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Waathiriwa Hawataki Kesi Ziwe kwa TV Taifa Jumapili, Pg 5
Sunday, 11 Sep 2011

Waathiriwa wa ghasia za uchaguzi wa 2007/8 wanahofia kuwa kupeperushwa kwa habari moja kwa moja kutoka The Hague kutazua vita vingine vya kikabila. Kwa mujibu wa viongozi mbali mbali wa wakimbizi hao, kupeperushwa huko kwenye matelevisheni kumezua uoga miongoni mwa baadhi ya wakimbizi waliorudi m

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In ICC Cases Devil may not be in the Detail The People,
Saturday, 10 Sep 2011

Douglas Okwatch says there next proceedings to determine whether the case against the three suspects may proceed to trial or not may largely not be about the the evidences submitted by the defence and prosecution. He argues that perhaps the manner in which the ICC operates, especially the use of

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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