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Democracy and governance summaries
Category : ICC
Has ICC Turned into a Comedy Theatre? The Star, Pg 23
Monday, 19 Sep 2011

Moses Kuria says Ocampo cannot be trusted to deliver justice guided by the confirmation hearings so far. The case against Muthaura, Ali and Uhuru is even more ridiculous because of the allegations that State House played a key role in the planning process. The allegations that Mungiki together wi

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Fresh Bid to Probe ICC Witnesses The Standard, Pg 1 & 6
Friday, 16 Sep 2011

Francis Muthaura has asked the court to appoint an independent lawyer to investigate fresh claims that potential prosecution witnesses gave false testimony. Muthaura claims that one of the evidence submitted by a witness under video to the prosecution may have committed an offence under Article 7

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Muthaura Fights to Retain Former ICC Lawyer The Standard, Pg 12
Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011

Francis Muthaura wants an appeal seeking to disqualify his lawyer Essa Faal dismissed. His defence team is willing to waive any deemed conflict of interest and that Faal was not privy to confidential information regarding the case when he served at the ICC prosecution office.

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Uhuru Opts to Testify at ICC Daily Nation, Pg 2
Thursday, 15 Sep 2011

Uhuru Kenyatta will be his own witness when the second part of the confirmation hearings commence. This means that the prosecution will directly question him during cross-examination. Mr. Kenyatta will also call another witness. Ali and Muthaura will call two witnesses each to defend them. The tw

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ICC: Too Early for Defence to Celebrate Sunday Nation, Pg 10
Sunday, 11 Sep 2011

Paul Mwangi opines that it is too early for the defence to think it was victorius in the confirmation hearings. They did make glaring mistakes including those done by the witnesses they presented. Prcedence cases have shown that they ought to have been more tactful in the approach to the case and

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ICC must Deliver Justice to Chaos Victims, Suspects Sunday Standard, Pg 15
Sunday, 11 Sep 2011

Charles Kanjama retorts that the ICC process must deliver justice to both the victims and suspects in equal measure.It is important that witness statements are corroborated to ensure objectivity. The suspects should equally be bold enough to lay bare the truths they have. Incompetence from either

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Ocampo Piles Pressure Saturday Standard, Pg 1 & 8
Saturday, 10 Sep 2011

Ocampo has written to the government asking that Muthaura and Uhuru resign from their positions. The cabinet sub-committee on the ICC met but could not decide on whether the two should resign but Kibaki has asked for legal opinion on this issue. Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo argues that if the

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ICC Ruling will be Christmas Gift or Curse for Ocampo Six in Chaos Cases Saturday Nation, Pg 9
Saturday, 10 Sep 2011

The ICC six suspects will most likely by December 24th know whether the charges against them have been confirmed or they will be thrown out. ICC lawyers said the evidence given by both sides will be properly accessed by the judges in accordance with the law and they will make a decision. They als

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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