Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 3:57 AM




Democracy and governance summaries
Category : Corruption
My Conscience Clear, Wetangula Declares The Star, Pg 5
Monday, 12 Sep 2011

Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetangula has said his reinstatment was a clear indication of his innocence and he is ready to go back to continue with his job. Wetangula faces a censure motion in parliament but he declined to comment on it including on the pending KACC investigations.

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Sh242m Lost in Police Houses Deal Daily Nation, Pg 5
Monday, 12 Sep 2011

The government could have lost sh242 million after a deal to buy apartments for the police officers was increased. In a report for the 2009/20 financial year, the Auditor General also accuses the internal security ministry for paying the full contract sum of sh312 million for the computerisation

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Oparanya wants Officials who Misappropriated CDF Prosecuted Sunday Express, Pg 8
Sunday, 11 Sep 2011

Planning minister Wycliffe Oparanya has ordered the prosecution of CDF officials of Lugari Constituency who appropriated funds. He also wants the area MP Cyrus Jirongo to ensure that the funds are recovered since the government cannot entertain misuse of funds.

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Cheap Price Tag Kibaki Gave Corruption The Standard, Pg 15
Friday, 09 Sep 2011

Kipkoech Tanui retorts that president Kibaki has shown that he is not and has never been interested in fighting corruption. The manner in which many corruption cases are left unabatted shows he does not value great pubic good in making those responsbile accountable. Corruption should be made an e

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Civic Leaders Allege Corruption at Council The Standard, Pg 26
Friday, 09 Sep 2011

Nine councillors from Meru Muncipal Council have raised a red flag on alleged corruption at the civic body and have invited KACC and the ministry of local government to investigate. They claim that three of their colleagues have colluded with town clerk to fleece the council millions of shillings

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Marende Orders PM to Make Wetangula Statement Today The Standard, Pg 12
Thursday, 08 Sep 2011

House Speaker Kenenth Marende has ordere PM Odinga to make a statement regarding the reinstatment of Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetangula and PS Thuita Mwangi. Raila was said to be attending another official function although parliamentary business are regarded as primary duties of MPs. Meanw

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How will AG Githu Tackle Old Scams The Star, Pg 24
Tuesday, 06 Sep 2011

Miguna Miguna wonders how far AG Muigai will live to his word of tackling past corruption cases. Githu was earlier nominated by President Kibaki meaning he was the preferred candidate in a flawed process and therefore he is likely not to bring in new ideas. Prosecutorial powers are now in the han

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Board to Meet over PLO and Team Send-off Pay The People, Pg 11
Wednesday, 07 Sep 2011

The KACC advisory board is expected to meet over a send-off package for outgoing KACC commissioners. The board is also expected to unveil a team of principal officers to manage the anti-graft body on an interim basis until the formal appointment of new commissioners is done.

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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