Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 10:11 AM




Investigative journalism grants - Reproductive Health and Family Planning


Internews in Kenya invites proposals for investigative journalism grants focusing on Investigating Reproductive Health and Family Planning Issues.
The grants are targeted to journalists who attended the International Health and Development Communications Conference that took place from June 25-29. Applicants can propose investigative stories anywhere in Kenya.

Investigative journalism is about finding, reporting and illuminating news which other people want to keep secret. Your proposal should clearly paint the picture of the issue you need to expose and the impact you anticipate the revelation will have on the health sector in the country. Also, be sure to indicate the time line, the specific location of your reporting and the budget.

The proposals will be judged based on uniqueness, creativity, originality and the potential impact of the story you propose.
Kindly submit your pitch by 12:00 p.m. Friday July 22, 2011 by emailing to [email protected], copied to [email protected].

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