How does journalism and communication on health issues impact on development? More than a hundred media studies and health and development experts from around the world gathered in Nairobi to address this question at a two day conference organized by Internews, in partnership with Daystar University and the Africa Population Health Research Center.
Conference can be talk shops, and it takes journalistic skill to find good stories at conferences. But they are there! Preceding the conference, a two-day "conference issues" training for journalists, led by Internews and Population Reference Bureau, was offered. The aim: to equip journalists with skills in investigative journalism on the themes of family planning and reproductive health.
Ouko Okusah - NTV News reporter
"It has been great for me. I met beautiful people. I have interacted with the best speakers. It was my first time to hear from them. The topics have helped me a lot. I was amazed by computer assisted reporting-it was the best for me." Chikondi Juma - Capital radio subeditor/producer. "The most successful part of the conference was the array of discussions that took place led by people who obviously were working either in research, health or in development," says Dr Levi Obonyo co-partner and Chair of the media council of Kenya, "The other element was the way the conference bridged practical and academic work."
The conference was organized in line with Internews vision of empowering local media by enriching, informing and diversifying the information environment around HIV/AIDS and other target health issues. Related news: Investigative journalism grants - Reproductive Health and Family Planning |
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