Health Journalism

Want to tell better health stories? We have a range of resources that Health Journalists can use in the newsroom, plus training programs that are beneficial to your work

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Conflict Sensitive Journalism

The role played by community and vernacular radio stations in the run up and post election 2007 period cannot be ignored. Hence the need for Internews' response.

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Electoral Journalism

As we approach the general elections it is important that journalists Understand and report professionally on the electoral process

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RNTC Fellowships in Mastering Social Media and Multimedia Journalism and Water –Due October 1st
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Date Posted : Tuesday, 04 Sep 2012

In January 2012 RNTC launched the RNTC Fellowship Fund to support journalists, program-makers, broadcast trainers and managers from around the world who are looking to develop their media skills, but do not have enough financial means to pay for the costs of the course of their choice.

RNTC Fellowships cover the course fee (up to 50%), not the costs for travel and accommodation. The number of fellowships that RNTC can provide, however, is small.

The course Mastering Social Media is a unique course for journalists who want to learn how to use ‘new’ media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs for the benefit of their profession.

Multimedia Journalism & Water strengthen the capacity of journalists working for broadcast, print or online publications to design and produce attractive and effective multimedia stories on issues to do with water management.

For more information, visit this link

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