Saturday, 11 Feb 2012

Little girl

Fabian is a male sex worker who works in Nairobi. He is also a peer counselor, reaching out to other Men who have Sex with Men, known as MSM. In this photo essay, Dzame Dallu followed him while distributing condoms and lubricants in clubs and lodges in downtown Nairobi, part of his duty as a peer counselor. He told Dzame how he discovered he was gay in his early school life.

Nascop in Kenya, the National Aids and STI Control Council, has a program targeting male sex workers, who form part of the group identified as Most at Risk Populations. Safe sex and condom use is a vital part of the program, as MSM are 20 times more likely to be HIV infected than a heterosexual man, during unprotected sex.

"Some people may wonder why Internews encourages journalists to write stories about sex work when prostitution is not legal in Kenya", says Internews Country Director, "but an activity being illegal doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Jooste explained that it was important for sex workers themselves, their clients and the general population to realize Kenya has an education and support program to minimize HIV infection among sex workers and MSM.


From the Data Journalism Blog

Data Journalism Workshop, May 26 – 30

Objectives: By the end of workshop participants should be able to: Appreciate data journalism Mine, scrape and analyze data on health Use simple tools to visualize data Write a data driven story proposal Package data into simple, compelling and accessible stories.   Day One:                 Monday 26 08:30 – 09:30            Read more

Data cleaning Guide for Journalists

DATA CLEANING Data journalism workshops can make the data journalism process seem much faster and more straight-forward than it really is. In reality, most data doesn’t arrive organized and error-free. Most data is messy. Before beginning any kind of analysis, the data needs to be cleaned. Data cleaning is a Read more

Why Kenya is falling behind on millenium development goals

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Online News Association launches Kenya’s digital future

                Failed healthcare promises, the human cost of abortion limitations and the need for access to contraceptive to prevent unsafe abortions were some of the big stories in the Nation, the Standard and the Star in November. The journalists who told these stories, delivering the biggest week in Data Journalism Read more

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