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Bill raises hope on community land

A new dawn awaits minorities as a law to safeguard community land rights seeks to guarantee their property rights. The Community Land Bill will address historical injustices that saw minorities like the Endorois evicted from ancestral land around Lake Bogoria and Mochongoi Forest. The Government evicted the Endorois (then 20,000 and today 60,000) 30 years ago to create a national park and grant ruby mining concessions. The Endorois won a legal battle in 2004 at the African Union Commission on People and Human Rights. The commission recommended restitution for the land the State acquired from the Endorois, saying it must restore that land and compensate the community.

Source link: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000079762&story_title=Bill-raises-hope-on-community-land

Source: Standard Pg 8-Home &Away;

Date: Thursday, 21 Mar 2013