Thursday, 13 March 2025, 13:57 PM




Health summaries
Category : Reproductive Health
Backstreet Abortions Undermine Need for Sex Education The People, Pg. 14
Monday, 08 Aug 2011

Ministry Of Health statistics put the number of Kenyan girls and women who have abortion every year at 300,000, and with abortion being illegal, so many of these take place in backstreet clinics with the International Planned Parenthood Federation saying unsafe abortion account for between 30 and

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Nyong’o Seeks More Funds for Women’s Health The People, Pg. 11
Thursday, 28 Jul 2011

Medical services minister say abortion issues have been neglected for long and is appealing for more resources to educate women on dangers of unsafe abortions.

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Maternal Health is the Mother of all Women’s Rights The Standard, Pg. 19
Tuesday, 26 Jul 2011

Dr Margaret Meme, a maternal health consultant notes with disappointment that pregnancy is not a disease yet it kills many women, just like malaria adding that many women are unable to access better maternal health services because their other basic rights are still violated.

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How Men Can Save Mothers from Dying The Standard, Pg. 18
Tuesday, 26 Jul 2011

Maternal health experts at a meeting organized by the African Population And Health Research Centre and a US organization notes that men’s attitude towards pregnancy is one of the causes of high maternal deaths, and are calling for male involvement to reduce what they term as ‘unneces

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Maternal Health Gets Sh7b Boost The Standard, Pg. 9
Monday, 25 Jul 2011

An initiative started 10 years ago by the Danish Government to support Kenya’s health sector gives maternal and child health programmes a Sh 7.3 billion boost to help reduce the number of women who die during childbirth and children who die before attaining age five.

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Mobile Health Solution Picked for Top Award in US The Standard, Pg. 32
Monday, 25 Jul 2011

A Kenyan Mobile health application has been nominated in the competition ‘Saving lives at Birth’ an initiative by the World Bank, Melinda and Bill Gates and USAid recognizing innovations across the world aimed at helping mothers deliver safely in hospitals and stands to win a $200 mil

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US Funded Malaria Study to Cut Mortality The Star, Pg. 11
Thursday, 21 Jul 2011

US government funded trials and research on malaria at the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the Center for Disease Control in Siaya will reduce by half more than 4,000 children below the age of five who die each year of malaria attacks, says Health Ministers Anyang’ Nyong’o (Medic

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Nurses Accused of Keeping Away Pregnant Women from Hospitals The Standard, Pg. 24
Thursday, 21 Jul 2011

Traditional birth attendants (TBA) are mostly preferred to nurses in government hospitals by many expectant mothers as the nurses mistreat them whenever they visit the facilities for assistance during labour. A reproductive health forum in Kitale town has heard.

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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