Health summaries
Category : Malaria
New Weapons Needed in War against Malaria Business Daily, Pg.11 Tuesday, 26 Apr 2011
As the World Malaria Day is being celebrated, globally deaths from malaria have declined from around one million in 2000 to under 800,000 in 2009. This is as a result of the world’s commitment to expanding use of insecticides-treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying. However, we’ Full Story Local Herbs May Produce Major Cure for Malaria Daily Nation, Pg. 5 Monday, 25 Apr 2011
Researchers from the Kenyan Medical Research Institute And The World Agroforestry Centre have taken the first steps to identify herbs in the East African region that have high potential for further development in treating malaria with researchers already having tested and confirmed several spices Full Story State to Distribute 11m Nets The People, Pg.12 Saturday, 23 Apr 2011
The Public Health and Sanitation Ministry will distribute 11 million treated nets to residents living in malaria prone districts. Although the campaign against malaria is targeting the prone districts, pregnant women and infants will continue to receive nets routinely from maternal and child heal Full Story Malaria Deaths Still High in Western and Nyanza The Star, Pg. 4 Friday, 22 Apr 2011
Public Health Minister Beth Mugo says Kenya has achieved the Abuja target set in 2000 to reduce malaria prevalence by half in 10 years, with the exception of Nyanza and western provinces where she attributes the high prevalence to a unique environment which favors breeding of mosquitoes. Full Story Malaria-Treating Herbs Face Extinction Daily Nation, Pg. 11 Friday, 22 Apr 2011
According to research, plants that have treated malaria symptoms in East Africa communities for hundreds of years could be lost forever; this is according to a new book by researchers at the World Agro Forestry Centre (ICRAF) and The Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri). Full Story Africa’s Shame of Theft of Millions of Malaria Drugs The Standard, Pg. 42 Thursday, 21 Apr 2011
Internal investigations by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria believes millions of dollars worth of its donated malaria drugs have been stolen in recent years. The internal documents detailing drug theft, officials identified 13 countries mostly in Africa, where millions of d Full Story Unexploited Antimalarial Herbal Pharmacy in Danger The Standard, Panorama, Pg. 30 Thursday, 21 Apr 2011
According to research, plants that have treated malaria symptoms in East Africa communities for hundreds of years could be lost forever; this is according to a new book by researchers at the World Agro Forestry Centre (ICRAF) and The Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri). Full Story Toxic Sugar Bait Could Help Control Malaria The Standard, Panorama, Pg. 34 Thursday, 07 Apr 2011
Researchers have demonstrated that fruit sugar is an essential food source for the anopheles mosquitoes crucial for their survival, and are proposing the production of ‘attractive toxic sugar bait’ (ATSB), which can be sprayed onto patches of vegetation to lure mosquitoes and kill the Full Story |
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