Saturday, 15 March 2025, 5:18 AM




Health summaries
We Have Enough ARVs, Minister Assures The People, Pg. 2
Thursday, 24 Mar 2011

Public Health and Sanitation minister assures Kenyans living with HIV of adequate care and dismisses claims that donors are pulling out of the funding programme.

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AIDS Clinic for Drivers, Sex Workers Launched The People, Pg. 13
Thursday, 24 Mar 2011

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) have funded a 24-hour health care clinic to cater for the hard to reach populations such as truck drivers, civil servants and female sex workers. The centre will provide free tuberculosis, malaria and

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Babies at Risk as Pregnant Women Ignore Hospitals The Standard, Pg. 22
Wednesday, 23 Mar 2011

Only 20 percent of expectant mothers in Trans Mara on antenatal care deliver in health facilities according to medical practitioners, with the rest exposing their newborn babies to numerous health risks.

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Testing the Integration of HIV and Public Healthcare in Kenya The Star, Pg. 24
Wednesday, 23 Mar 2011

If a new pilot programme of integrating HIV and public healthcare being tested in Western Kenya proves successful then space maximization and reduction of the burden on healthcare personnel and increased focus on other equally important diseases may be the norm, with health workers in Western Ken

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Male Circumcision: Is the Government on Right Track The Star, Pg. 21
Wednesday, 23 Mar 2011

John Chigiti opines that the government even while promoting the policy of male circumcisions should think soberly about the policy especially during the primary stage of constitution implementation adding however that the response to HIV/AIDS must be increased.

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Moonlight Circumcision Offers New Hope in Battle against HIV-AIDS The Star – 21/3/11, Pg. 21
Monday, 21 Mar 2011

Moonlight circumcision is gaining prominence in Nyanza province as people are turning up in large numbers for the cut at night, some due to work related commitments while others due to fear of being seen going for the cut, and the Ministry of Health which has been rooting for the practice seem to

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Condom Shortage Worries Medics The Star, Pg. 10
Monday, 21 Mar 2011

The National AIDS Control Council co-ordinator for Eldoret, Esther Muigei warns that an acute shortage of condoms in Eldoret could lead to an upsurge of HIV.

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AIDS Packs to Help Cut HIV Infections The East African, Pg. 29
Monday, 21 Mar 2011

Kenya scales up its efforts toward preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV through an initiative dubbed mother-baby pack where according to Martin Sirengo the PMTCT programme manager at the National AIDS/STI Contol Programme, bundles containing antiretroviral drugs will be distributed duri

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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