Thursday, 13 March 2025, 18:33 PM




Health summaries
War on TB Prevalence Intensified Kenya Today, Pg.9
Monday, 04 Apr 2011

According to figures, up to 20 per cent of TB cases reported across the country are from Nyanza province. Health authorities say that the high TB rate is linked to comparatively higher prevalence rate of HIV-AIDS in the province. About 6 per cent of TB patients in Nyanza are HIV positive.

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Religious Leaders Should Address HIV and AIDS at the Pulpit Sunday Express, Pg. 6
Sunday, 03 Apr 2011

HIV infection among married couples has increased. According to Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi religious leaders have got the potential to reduce the increased infection among couples. He said that the religious leaders should talk to their congregation about HIV and AIDS.

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MPs’ Fury Over Condoms Weekend Star, Pg. 2
Saturday, 02 Apr 2011

The Parliamentary Health Committee has urged the government to stop over reliance on development partners for provision of basic condoms. Committee chairman Robert Monda said it is unbelievable that Kenya could run out of a basic need like condoms.

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TB Patient Averse to Medicine Imprisoned Weekend Star, Pg.4
Saturday, 02 Apr 2011

Benson Mutugi, a 24 year old TB patient has been jailed for eight months by Baricho County. He was jailed for defaulting to take his medicine which makes it hard for his body to control the disease. Public Health Officer Gilbert Muchiri said that the only way to make sure that Mutugi completed hi

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UN Body Blamed For Condom Shortage Standard on Saturday, Pg.9
Saturday, 02 Apr 2011

The United Nations Family Planning Agency delayed the consignment of 35 million condoms after the manufacturer adjusted the prices in response to the global prices of oil and rubber the two main components used in making condoms. UNFPA pays three dollars for 144 condoms but the price is likely to

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Banks Now Loaning Money to Prostitutes Reject Issue 037, Pg.7
Friday, 01 Apr 2011

With the high levels of economic growth expected, Kenyan banks are now giving loans to commercial sex workers. According to Equity Bank executives the move is not only meant to get them out of their risky trade but also to improve their livelihoods and that of their immediate families. The only c

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New anti-FGM Bill Proposes stiffer Penalties Daily Nation, Pg.34
Friday, 01 Apr 2011

If a new Bill is passed into law, anyone found practicing female circumcision will be jailed for seven years or fined 500,000. The Bill was introduced in Parliament by Mt. Elgon MP Fred Kapondi. The objective of the Bill is to provide a legislative framework for addressing the issue of female gen

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Westgate Gives Sh1.6m for HIV Positive Mothers The Standard, Pg. 22
Friday, 01 Apr 2011

Breastfeeding mothers living with HIV/ AIDS got a boost of 1.6 million from Westgate Shopping Mall. The money raised through a Galaxy of Life-Adopt a free or star campaign will go towards Lions Comprehensive Care for HIV/ AIDS clinic handling breastfeeding mothers.

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Mtandao wa Internews-Ushahidi
You have a right to know your rights . Do you know that you have a right to know your ri

Citizens Demand Action. This was a peaceful demonstration following the

Water,a major challenge in informal settlements. Poor governance in the water services provisio

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