Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 9:50 AM




Coming to America ... or is it going?


Have you seen the movie “Coming to America”? Comedian actor Eddie Murphy was playing a young prince who left his kingdom in Africa to travel to America. He landed in Queens, the second most populous borough in New York City, and experienced the ethnic diversity of the American people. If you haven’t seen it then dash to your movie library and grab your copy because George Orido is coming to America!

Orido, an Internews trainee has won the International Visitors Leadership Program fellowship, IVLP. He will be travelling to the United States for a whole month to study how the arts have been used to create multi cultural understanding within US communities. Orido will get a chance to examine art education in the US and to explore the geographic, ethnic and religious diversity of the US population. During his stay he will travel through different states and interact with artists, literary professors and even members of the US department of states bureau of educational and cultural affairs.

And this prince from Kenya is in good company. The IVLP fellowship has been awarded to the likes of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, French president Nicolas Sarkozy and even our president Hon. Mwai Kibaki.
Congratulations Orido!

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