Around the world, stories told by citizens are making making waves - their voices have become heard, their pictures are being seen on international TV stations and their comments are read on blogs and website comments pages. These stories, told by the people involved - not journalists -have in part been made possible by more affordable tools. But citizen stories, just like journalists' stories have to be told to have impact. This is where Internews comes in. Internews has offered its first ever community storytelling training - with a focus on photo diaries of male circumcision - at the Nyanza Reproductive Health Society (NHRS) offices in Nyanza. they are all representatives of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working on HIV prevention and advocacy programs. |
Health Summaries
Maternal health goal still a farfetched dream New treatment methods lower TB infection rates Kenya: NCDs and HIV fight for limited resources Tuberculosis and HIV rife in Kenya prisons HIV screening, ignorance keeping blood donors away New strategy now planned to increase HIV testing Maternal, child health highway littered with broken promises Concern over HIV in schools rises View all -
Democracy and governance Summaries
NGO Wants Seat in Land Committee Did Hague Hearings Shake us out of our Rigidities? Mutula Tells CIC to Stop Opposing Change of Election Date Mutula Faults ICC over Failure to Record Big Three TJRC Promoses Justice for Kiambaa Fire Victims Ghaii Says Polls should Held in Early 2013 Listing of Wealth will Curb Graft, Panel Told Telkom Kenya Sued in Sh1.5bn Land Sale Row View all Twitter
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