This week, America is celebrating the quests of Christopher Columbus. In 1492 the explorer set sail for Eastern Asia by heading West and despite people saying that his journey was impossible, he believed in what he was doing and took off. The rest is history. US ambassador to Kenya, Jonathan Scott Gration, used the analogy of Columbus’ “can do” attitude when he described to Kenyan journalists how good leadership can make a change and can prevent needless deaths. The ambassador was addressing a Question and Answer session at Internews on the newly launched “Let’s Live” campaign. The aim: to outline strategies and practical approaches that will halve preventable deaths in the next year, with a focus on preventing HIV related deaths, avoidable maternal and child deaths and those deaths stemming from certain cancers and other non communicable diseases.
At the “Let’s Live” Summit, experts in the fields of Maternal Health, Child Health, HIV and High Mortality Cancers formed breakaway working groups to strategize on how to prevent unnecessary deaths. Here are their findings
Health Summaries
US To Aid Kenya Halve Deaths from Preventable Diseases Fake AIDS Drugs Test Results Still Pending Family Planning Method That ‘Raises Risk of HIV Malaria Vaccine Launch Tomorrow The Sensitive Nature of Dealing with Sexual Violence Why Mother’s Safety is Vital in Family Planning Kenya Encourages Routine HIV Testing As MDG Deadline Nears Healthcare Plan to Cut Deaths by Half View all -
Democracy and governance Summaries
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