Internews first trained Shine FM student journalists in July 2010. Since then, the Internews-Daystar success story has not ended.
The mentoring sessions have sharpened the students’ skills, preparing them for entry into the work force. For instance, a student, Charles Kemboi, recently won a FARM award for script writing, while another, Mashirima Kapombe, is being recruited by QFM, one of Kenya’s leading radio stations.
Health Summaries
US To Aid Kenya Halve Deaths from Preventable Diseases Fake AIDS Drugs Test Results Still Pending Family Planning Method That ‘Raises Risk of HIV Malaria Vaccine Launch Tomorrow The Sensitive Nature of Dealing with Sexual Violence Why Mother’s Safety is Vital in Family Planning Kenya Encourages Routine HIV Testing As MDG Deadline Nears Healthcare Plan to Cut Deaths by Half View all -
Democracy and governance Summaries
NGO Wants Seat in Land Committee Proceedings against the Ocampo 6 Do not Bar Anyone Contesting Presidency Mt Elgon Residents o Get Title Deeds Cabinet Debates Amendment Bill Three Arrested for Stealing Food meant for IDPs PM Denies Blaming Kibaki for Violence Kibaki to Appoint County Coordinators in Reshuffle Trans Mara Ranch Officials Say their Lives in Danger View all Twitter
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