Monday, 10 March 2025, 15:53 PM




Success Story: Internews and Daystar shine together


Internews first trained Shine FM student journalists in July 2010. Since then, the Internews-Daystar success story has not  ended.

The Dean of Information Levy Obonyo and Lecturer Rosemary Nyaole say Internews training made a noticeable difference in the quality of programming at Shine FM. Students have produced a high number of feature stories, including on the Constitution. Their lecturers say their story telling has also become closer to their listeners, mainly students from the Athii River campus.

The mentoring sessions have sharpened the students’ skills, preparing them for entry into the work force. For instance, a student, Charles Kemboi, recently won a FARM award for script writing, while another, Mashirima Kapombe, is being recruited by QFM, one of Kenya’s leading radio stations.
Internews understands this improvement in quality was decisive in giving campus management the confidence to invest in the student station. A brand new Shine FM production and broadcasting studio was built. At the launch of the new studio on September 26, 2011, Information and Communication lecturer Rosemary Nyaole  declared: “Prior to meeting Internews, Shine FM was playing music only. With Internews training, our journalists were able to come up with real features which are of good quality and many people started listening to Shine FM with a different opinion. The station didn’t have digital recorders but Internews helped with these equipments and editing of the features. Previously, students used to have mere talks on air but after the training they started hosting shows with substance. As a trainer, I have gained a lot and the students who have been mentored train other students in school and other teachers. Internews gave us a facelift and people together with our administration started seeing us as serious people. They gained interest in our work and today, we are even re-launching the station in a bigger and better studio.”

Rosemary said she changed her teaching style after attending Internews training in July 2010. She opted for a far more participatory approach and won an internal award for this.

The Information and Communication Department has now involved Internews in their curriculum. This semester (end of 2011), Internews trainers will conduct six sessions for 4th year students, including sessions on conflict sensitive reporting. The eventual introduction of conflict sensitive journalism in Daystar’s curriculum will represent a great achievement with regard to sustainability, as the methodology will live on in Kenya beyond the project’s life. 

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