Internews Network Kenya


    Internews Network is well established in Kenya as a provider of journalism training and media capacity building.

    Since 2003, more than 500 journalists and civil society organizations have benefited from the "Local Voices/Voices in Health" program that aims to harness the power of media to inform and sensitize radio, print, TV, mainstream and community audiences about HIV and AIDS. Meanwhile, two conflict-sensitive programs have been completed to support a more professional media response to the post-election violence of 2008.

    This Ushahidi platform aims at networking trained journalists and exchanging conflict sensitive content especially from Nairobi, Rift Valley and Nyanza provinces.

    It is natural extension of the new ''Land & Conflict Sensitive Journalism'' training program which has three objectives:
    * To strengthen the capacity of a select group of radio stations to serve the information needs of conflict-affected communities using conflict-sensitive approaches,
    * To improve citizens understanding of the National Accord and Reconciliation Agreement (NARA) implementation process,
    * To promote civil society and community engagement in land conflict issues.

    The trainers in charge of this new media journalists network are Brice Rambaud, Tole Nyatta and Mary Kiio.

    The Internews "Land & Conflict Sensitive Journalism project in Kenya is funded by the United States Agency for International Development.


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